Tenderloin Safe Passage (TSP5)

04-13-17 1:45 PM - 4:15 PM
519 Stevenson
Address: 512 Ellis St.

“In 2012 we launched the Tenderloin Safe Passage Route. Our goal in doing so is to raise awareness of the large number of children and families who make the Tenderloin home and to focus community driven safety efforts in ways that can make the most impact. Our ongoing volunteer driven Corner Captain program places trained safety monitors on high-traffic, high-risk intersections along the route during weekday after-school times.”

Join us in working with Tenderloin Safe Passage’s Corner Captains to ensure that schoolchildren make it safely home from school.

Sign up by texting “TSP5” to 415-801-0935!

Meet at The Hall at 1028 Market St.